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L'annuaire Greentrade
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Working with 10000+ smallholder organic farmer families.
Product (all certified organic)
Jaggery Liquid
Jaggery Lumps
Jaggery Powder
Sugar - Cane
Price: 8 euro per kg 2023 season
2022 season - 6.80euro per kg
Send it in 25kg plastic bucket.
Typical only for this region because of the different kind of oak trees and other trees and plants.
Taste: The intensity of the taste is medium with woody and warm notes. It has also medium sweetness with weak acidity. Can be detected tiny amounts of bitterness.
Aroma: Weak to medium aroma
Color: varies from dark brown with amber notes to black.
Consejos: Esta mermelada es ideal para acompañar con quesos curados, foie, pescados y como ingrediente para elaborar una vinagreta dulce. En los postres, es ideal para acompañar con yogur natural, requesón y repostería.
Polyfloral and Monofloral honey
1. The tested honey corresponds to the legal regulations (Honey Directive 2001/110/EC Article 1 in connection with Annex II).
2. The tested honey meets the specifications of pure honey. Therefore, the honey corresponds to the legal requirements with regard to the test performed (EU Honey Directive 2001/110/EC, article 1 and annex II).
Note: Our Honey complies with the International standard.